Necessity – the Mother of Invention! A GTG FIRST!
Our 2020 Autumn play TWO by Jim Cartwright, went ahead! We rehearsed online and then the cast of talented actors were professionally filmed under social-distancing rules.
We uploaded the 70-minute film so that people could watch it online for one day only by special arrangements with the license holder.
We also ran an appeal to the viewers of TWO for donations to the
Godalming & Villages Community Store. This raised over £3,000!

Featuring Ben Dray as Landlord and Anna Twaits as Landlady

Here are just a few of the comments from viewers:
I was very impressed with the standard of the recording - the filming and sound were both excellent. Although it cannot replace the joy of 'live theatre', it certainly was a good replacement during these strange times.
The actors were all very good indeed. The quality of the filming was outstanding. Please count me in should another production be presented this way.
Excellent acting, good script and the right length. Lovely to see familiar faces on the TV. Would love you to do another production in this format.
It was like watching a BBC Play for Today. I was completely absorbed and every characterisation was portrayed believably and with expertise. Congratulations on a tour de force!
Very professional in all departments!
The acting was excellent and made us quite emotional at the end. Thank you to the actors and the production team.
If the pandemic carries on, we hope, maybe, you would be able to do something else.

Click here to read the review by NODA
the National Operatic and Dramatic Association